Are You A Home Owner With An Outstanding Mortgage Loan?

Cover your home loan with insurance so that come rain or shine, you and your love ones will always have a roof over your head.

In a nutshell

What Is Mortgage Insurance?


Mortgage insurance is an insurance policy assigned to protect your mortgage if you lose your ability to generate income due to death, terminal illness or disability.​

If you have an outstanding mortgage loan, mortgage insurance protects you and your family from losing your home, should the unexpected happen.
In the event of death, terminal illness or permanent disability, you or your family will receive a lump sum payment that will allow you to pay off your remaining mortgage payment.

Why Buy Mortgage Insurance?

Mortgage insurance offers you the assurance that your outstanding home loan will be settled, come what may.
An unfortunate event may leave you unable to continue servicing the monthly mortgage payments.
An outstanding mortgage loan can become a very heavy financial burden to you and your family, especially if you are unable to pay it back.
The bank may begin early foreclosure proceedings and repossess the house, thus leaving you and your family homeless, in the event if the mortgage payments are unable to be paid.
By ensuring that you have adequate insurance cover, you can protect your love ones from financial burden and still provide a roof over their heads in times of unforeseen circumstances.

Schedule A Meeting

Have a question or need help with mortgage insurance? Schedule a meet-up and have your questions answered.